I was blown away by what I found during my visit today; both the vibe and co-creations with our Mother have surged. In my last update I commented that the winter time in many ways is the best time to visit, because the people that visit are mostly of a good heart, so instead of diminishing a place they visit, they often enhance a space. Everyone that visits a place interacts with a space, if they are of a good heart they will enhance the space, if they are not they will diminish a space and lower the vibe.
The vibe can enhance, or diminish a space. A very positive vibe enhances everything.
What I found.
Vibe-- vibe was very positive to extremely positive. All the Energy Vortices and Geospirals are a testament to this.
Energy Vortices--There were 7 Energy Vortices.
Geospirals/Spirals--There were 9 Geospirals.
Thin Veil--The Thin Veil has reappeared. Excellent.
Conditions--All was dry. Although, a little soggy on the far right side. ALWAYS CHECK WATER LEVELS BEFORE VISITING. LINK ON THE UPPER RIGHT.
This is a great time to get a powerful physical healing energy from all the Geospirals. Sit on the ground on either side of the runoff stream. Make sure to have your hand, or part of your leg touching the Earth to tap into the energy.